Into the Desert - questions for study groups
These are sample questions for a group meeting weekly based on the Sundays in Lent.
First Sunday in Lent (Day 5)
What part of these readings resonates the most? Why?
What part do you least like or most disagree with? Why?
Is there space in your life for God?
What things are you tempted to fill space with?
Where are you tempted to act when God is asking you to wait?
Second Sunday in Lent (Day 12)
Does any part of this ring particularly true?
Does any part of this seem just plain wrong?
Is God as present now as he was to Abraham? Why or why not?
Third Sunday in Lent (Day 19)
What part of these readings resonates the most? Why?
What part do you least like or most disagree with? Why?
Have you ever felt a sense of the absence of God? Do you now?
What do you think is going on when someone feels the absence of God?
Fourth Sunday in Lent (Day 26)
What part of these readings resonates the most? Why?
What part do you least like or most disagree with? Why?
What helps you to know the love of God?
Have you ever ducked the experience of the love of God? Why? What things draw you away?
What does Jesus command to ‘abide in God’s love’ mean to you?
Fifth Sunday in Lent (Day 33)
What part of these readings resonates the most? Why?
What part do you least like or most disagree with? Why?
What would you like to be true but you can’t quite believe about God?
Have you seen strange and remarkable things that mean a lot to you?
Palm Sunday (Day 40)
What part of these readings resonates the most? Why?
What part do you least like or most disagree with? Why?
Do you value the exceptional? Or the ordinary? Why?
Do you look upward for models of the good life?
Have you ever experienced something that previously seemed ordinary suddenly appearing full of the glory of God?